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Resilient and responsive health systems in a changing world

Guest Editors: Siri Wiig and Jane O'Hara

About the collection

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The world is amidst one of its greatest public health challenges due to the tragic impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic. We have witnessed the extreme strains on health systems but also their resilience and responsiveness to the pressures they have faced. We must also recognize that it is not only COVID-19 that has put a strain on health systems. Other infectious diseases, economic pressures, environmental disasters, staff shortages, and chronic diseases are amongst the many other challenges health systems are facing. 

In support of the challenges that global health systems are facing and UN Sustainable Development Goal 3, Good Health and Well-being, BMC Health Services Research has launched a collection that welcomes submissions that contribute to our understanding of how health systems respond and resist the pressures they face, and how we can sustainably strengthen health systems for the future. 

For more information about the scope of the collection, please read our introductory commentary article written by our Guest Editors. 


Meet the Guest Editors

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Prof. Siri Wiig, University of Stavanger, Norway

Siri WiigSiri Wiig, PhD, MSc, is Professor and Centre Director at SHARE - Centre for Resilience in Healthcare, at the University of Stavanger (UiS), Norway. The SHARE centre is a large research group in Norway doing research on quality and safety in healthcare, with over 70 researchers affiliated. Wiig is a full Professor of Quality and Safety in Healthcare Systems at the Faculty of Health Sciences, UiS. Key research interests are resilience in healthcare, patient safety, quality improvement, safety investigations, user involvement, risk regulation, leadership, and learning in socio-technical systems.

Prof. Jane K. O'Hara, University of Leeds, UK

Jane O'HaraJane K. O'Hara is a Professor of Healthcare Quality & Safety, based at the University of Leeds, and Deputy Director of the Yorkshire Quality & Safety Research Group. Her research interests include resilient healthcare, exploring and operationalizing safety theories, safety measurement and management, and patient and family involvement in patient safety.

Submission guidelines

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This collection welcomes submissions of Research articles, including systematic reviews, quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research on the topic of resilience and responsiveness in all areas of the health system. ReviewsStudy Protocols, and Comments will be considered at the discretion of the Journal’s Editor. Please note that unsolicited Reviews and Comments will not be considered, as per our submission guidelines. 

Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process overseen by our Guest Editors, Prof. Siri Wiig (University of Stavanger, Norway) and Prof. Jane O’Hara (University of Leeds, UK). Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you have carefully read the submission guidelines for BMC Health Services Research. Please ensure you highlight in your cover letter that you are submitting to a collection. Articles for this Collection should be submitted via our submission system, Snapp. During the submission process you will be asked whether you are submitting to a Collection, please select "Resilient and responsive health systems in a changing world" from the dropdown menu".

Please visit this page to find out more about our article-processing charges. Members of Health Systems Global can claim a 20% discount on our article-processing charges, more information can be found here.

Articles submitted after 31st January 2023 will not be eligible for inclusion in the collection.

Published collection articles

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  1. Despite an emerging consensus on the importance of resilience as a framework for understanding the healthcare system, the operationalization of resilience in healthcare has become an area of continuous discuss...

    Authors: Hilda Bø Lyng, Carl Macrae, Veslemøy Guise, Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland, Birte Fagerdal, Lene Schibevaag and Siri Wiig
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2022 22:474
  2. Since climate change, pandemics and population mobility are challenging healthcare systems, an empirical and integrative research to studying and help improving the health systems resilience is needed. We pres...

    Authors: Lucie Clech, Sofia Meister, Maeva Belloiseau, Tarik Benmarhnia, Emmanuel Bonnet, Alain Casseus, Patrick Cloos, Christian Dagenais, Manuela De Allegri, Annabel Desgrées du Loû, Lucas Franceschin, Jean-Marc Goudet, Daniel Henrys, Dominique Mathon, Mowtushi Matin, Ludovic Queuille…
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2022 22:340
  3. The Covid-19 pandemic introduced a global crisis for the healthcare systems. Research has paid particular attention to hospitals and intensive care units. However, nursing homes and home care services in charg...

    Authors: Hilda Bø Lyng, Eline Ree, Torunn Wibe and Siri Wiig
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2021 21:878
  4. Adaptation and innovation are both described as instrumental for resilience in healthcare. However, the relatedness between these dimensions of resilience in healthcare has not yet been studied. This study see...

    Authors: Hilda Bø Lyng, Carl Macrae, Veslemøy Guise, Cecilie Haraldseid-Driftland, Birte Fagerdal, Lene Schibevaag, Janne Gro Alsvik and Siri Wiig
    Citation: BMC Health Services Research 2021 21:759