Edited by: Prof Jan Hartvigsen and Prof Simon French.
Chiropractic & Manual Therapies presents our latest thematic series: What is chiropractic?
Chiropractors practice in more than 100 countries in all parts of the world. In some countries chiropractors provide a substantial portion of care for patients with many health conditions, but most commonly for the care of people with low back and neck pain. The way the chiropractic profession is placed in different countries is dependent on historical and cultural differences, where in some countries the chiropractic profession is considered an independent, complementary and alternative medicine profession, to a position where the chiropractic profession is considered a fully integrated and mainstream healthcare profession. Thus the identity of chiropractors and the practice of chiropractic remains a matter of debate in many countries both within the chiropractic profession and outside of it. This thematic series of Chiropractic & Manual Therapies addresses the overarching question “What is chiropractic?”, and provides an overview of current state of the chiropractic profession from a global perspective.
Individual articles address fundamental issues about the chiropractic profession, including descriptions of: how the profession is placed in different countries and settings; the history of the profession in some countries; chiropractic education around the world; the profile of patients who seek chiropractic care; the type of care chiropractors provide; outcomes of chiropractic care; and other aspects of chiropractors, their practice, evidence base, and chiropractic care.