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Edited by Lui Forni

This series of articles, published in Critical Care, has not been sponsored. All articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer review process overseen by the Series Editor, with final decisions made by the Editor in Chief. The Series Editor and Editor in Chief declare no competing interests.

  1. Measurement of arterial pressure is one of the most basic elements of patient management. Arterial pressure is determined by the volume ejected by the heart into the arteries, the elastance of the walls of the...

    Authors: S. Magder
    Citation: Critical Care 2018 22:257
  2. Vasoplegia is the syndrome of pathological low systemic vascular resistance, the dominant clinical feature of which is reduced blood pressure in the presence of a normal or raised cardiac output. The vasoplegi...

    Authors: Simon Lambden, Ben C. Creagh-Brown, Julie Hunt, Charlotte Summers and Lui G. Forni
    Citation: Critical Care 2018 22:174
  3. Vasoplegia is a ubiquitous phenomenon in all advanced shock states, including septic, cardiogenic, hemorrhagic, and anaphylactic shock. Its pathophysiology is complex, involving various mechanisms in vascular ...

    Authors: Bruno Levy, Caroline Fritz, Elsa Tahon, Audrey Jacquot, Thomas Auchet and Antoine Kimmoun
    Citation: Critical Care 2018 22:52

    The Letter to this article has been published in Critical Care 2018 22:159

    The Letter to this article has been published in Critical Care 2018 22:104