Edited by Arne Ruckert, Ashley Schram and Ronald Labonté
Globalization and Health invites you to submit to our new article collection on the health implications of trade.
Interest in the health implications and impact of liberalized trade and investment agreements has grown significantly since creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995, and the later proliferation of regional and bilateral agreements. This collection is interested in articles that span a range of health and trade issues, examining empirically and theoretically how our new regimes of economic liberalization create some benefit, but portend new risks, for global public health. The collection begins with a retrospective commentary on articles published between 2006 and 2018. The articles discussed in this commentary have also been included in the collection. New contributions to the journal will continue to be added to this series, creating a singular venue for readers interested in how trade and investment treaties are reshaping health environments, and the politics and economics that, in turn, shape the treaties themselves.
This collection is open for submissions of review articles, research, debate articles and commentaries, which would undergo the journal’s normal peer review process and be subject to an article-processing charge. Manuscripts should be formatted according to our submission guidelines and submitted via the online submission system. In the submission system please make sure that the correct collection title is chosen at the 'Additional Information' step. Please also indicate clearly in the covering letter that the manuscript is to be considered for this collection.