Paul Robinson: University College London, UK
Professor Paul Robinson, MA, MD, FRCP, FRCPsych, SFHEA, is a Professor in the Medical Division at University College London. He is also Consultant in Eating Disorders Psychiatry at The Orri-London clinic and honorary Consultant Psychiatrist at University College Hospital, London. He has co-written or co-edited books on Community Treatment of Eating Disorders (2006), Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders (2009), Critical Care for Anorexia Nervosa (2015) and Mentalization Based Therapy for Eating Disorders (MBT-ED) (2019). He is the principal author of the Medical Emergencies in Eating Disorders (MEED) guidance, 2022. In 2012 he launched an MSc degree course based in the UCL Division of Medicine in Eating Disorders and Clinical Nutrition, the only one of its kind. He is currently editor in chief of the new book: “Eating Disorders, a Comprehensive International view”, to be published soon by Springer.
Stephen Wonderlich: University of North Dakota, USA
Stephen Wonderlich, Ph.D., is a Chester Fritz Distinguished Professor, University of North Dakota School of Medicine & Health Sciences. He serves as Vice President of Research, Sanford. He has published widely in the literature. He currently sits on the Editorial Board for several professional journals, is a Past-President of the Academy for Eating Disorders, and was a member of the Eating Disorders Workgroup for DSM-5. He serves, or has served, on the Board of Directors for several eating disorders organizations, including the Eating Disorders Research Society, Academy for Eating Disorders, Eating Disorders Coalition, and the National Eating Disorders Association. He is the Principal Investigator for the Sanford Center for Biobehavioral Mechanisms of Eating Behavior, an NIH Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE).
Geneviève Pepin: Deakin University, Australia
A/Prof Pepin is an experienced mental health occupational therapist and a proficient academic. Built on almost 20 years’ work in the area of mental health and eating disorders in Canada and in Australia and including partnerships with national and international leaders in the field, A/Prof Pepin has established herself as a significant contributor to eating disorders research.
Her expertise and passion are in research co-produced with careers of people with an eating disorder, understanding the impact of eating disorders on function and the daily activities of those with an eating disorder and their family, and the development of innovative interventions promoting best health outcomes.
Her research is impactful and translational, leading to changes in practice and services as demonstrated by her invitation to join the Advisory Committee for the Development of the Australian Eating Disorders Research & Translation Strategy 2021-2031. She is a member of the executive group of the Australian Eating Disorder Research and Translation Centre. She is the co-lead of the Lived-Experience and Co-Production stream of the Centre and a member of the National Eating Disorders Research Consortium. In addition, A/Prof Pepin’s reputation as an occupational therapy scholar rests on a unique expertise and knowledge of ground-breaking interventions and conceptual model of practice that have influenced practice, research, and education in the field for decades.
A/Prof Pepin contribution to mental health and eating disorders initiatives includes her contribution to the National Strategy Eating Disorders Workforce Development Working Group, the Allied Health Profession Australia Mental Health Working Group, the National Eating Disorders Collaboration credentialing working group, the National Mental Health Workforce Strategy, and the National Mental Health Forum – Occupational Therapy Australia.
A/Prof Pepin believes in multidisciplinary approaches to understanding eating disorders and co-produced research and interventions. She believes in best practice and is interested in emerging knowledge and interventions about eating disorders.
Phillipa Hay: Western Sydney University, Australia
Professor Phillipa Hay is a leading mental health researcher, educator, and practicing Psychiatrist. Her research has been translational, guided policy and practice, and award winning, e.g., in 2015 she received the Lifetime Leadership Award from the ANZ Academy for Eating Disorders, and in 2020 she was awarded the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) Senior Research Award. She laid the foundations for mental health programs in two new medical schools James Cook and Western Sydney. She has a DPhil in Psychiatry from the University of Oxford and MD (Medicine) from University of Otago, is a Fellow of the RANZCP, and Fellow of the Academy for Eating Disorders (AED).
Stephen Touyz: University of Sydney, Australia
Stephen Touyz is an Emeritus Professor at the University of Sydney and Director of the Inside Out Institute, a joint partnership between the Sydney Local Health District and the University of Sydney. He is Editor in Chief of the Journal of Eating Disorders which he co-founded a decade ago. He is a past president of the Eating Disorders Research Society. He is a member of the Commonwealth Government of Australia’s Technical Advisory Group for Eating Disorders and a member of the steering committee of the National Eating Disorders Collaboration. He was presented with a leadership award in research by the Academy of Eating Disorders in 2012, the first ever Lifetime Achievement Award by the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Eating Disorders in 2014 and the Ian M Campbell Prize in Clinical Psychology from the Australian Psychological Society in 2014. He has edited/co-edited 6 books and published over 480 scholarly papers/book chapters.