Guest Edited by:
Kathya Cordova-Pozo, PhD, Radboud University, Netherlands
José M Belizán, MD, PhD, Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy (IECS), Argentina
In collaboration with International Journal for Equity in Health.
This Special Issue aims to increase the evidence and creation of knowledge on scaling up action in moving from pilot projects or local initiatives to national ones, or to improve implementation of health policies and programmes with a multidisciplinary approach, in a phased manner, to improve Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health (ASRH).
The increased amount of research evidence, programmatic experience and epidemiologic on sexual and reproductive health data over the past two decades has helped improve our shared understanding of the causes and possible solutions to the wide spectrum of problems faced by adolescents. New methods of intervention have been developed to respond to the needs of adolescents in different contexts, and have drawn upon their inputs to improve the implementation of these interventions. However, the shift from knowledge of interventions, to knowledge of appropriate and feasible scale-up of interventions is often a long way off as many aspects of the execution of interventions are not often included at all or in detail in reports about them.
This special collection will focus on advancing our insights into scale-up of interventions in sexual and reproductive health for adolescents in low and middle income countries with a particular focus on the intervention methodology and the analysis of the effectiveness of implementation. We welcome high quality papers focused in quantitative and/or qualitative approaches that analyze scale in one or many country contexts. We encourage submissions for scale-up interventions that are included in WHO’s Universal Health Care Compendium that informs investments towards achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This supplement was conceived in acknowledgement of the significant contributions and actions of Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli. Chandra is currently leading the work on ASRH in the World Health Organization’s Department of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Research (which includes the UNDP/UNFPA/UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Human Reproductive Programme). He is due to retire in the middle of 2023, after thirty years in WHO. In his long and prolific career we were guided by his work and contributions to the field of ASRH scale up to call for this special collection.
This collection is no longer accepting submissions.
All articles have undergone the journals' full standard peer-review process and have been published upon acceptance. More information about the journal, including full aims & scope and Editorial Board, can be found on the journal website.
More information about the series can be found by contacting the Guest Editors Jose Belizan and Kathya Cordova-Pozo