Series Editors: Dr. José M. Belizán, Prof. Suellen Miller
Reproductive Health invite you to submit to our new special series: Respectful care during childbirth at health facilities.
The scope of this on-going series includes both preventing and eliminating the mistreatment of women during childbirth and the promotion of respectful maternity care. A lack of respectful care during childbirth is now recognized as both an indicator of poor quality of care as well as an obstacle to obtaining maternal/newborn health. In this series we aim to publish high-quality results from primary qualitative and quantitative research, as well as commentaries from both the research community and from less heard voices in maternal health, such as human rights activists, advocacy groups, and grassroots organizations.
Manuscripts should be formatted according to the Reproductive Health submission guidelines and submitted via the online submission system. All articles will undergo the journals full standard peer-review process and will be published upon acceptance. In the submission system please select the correct series title and also indicated in the covering letter that the manuscript is to be considered for this special series. More information about the series and the journal, including full aims & scope and Editorial Board, can be found on the journal website: For submission enquiries please contact the Editors at