Guest edited by Dr. Julian Eckl, University of St Gallen, Switzerland, and Dr. Susanna Hausmann Muela, PASS International, Tessenderlo, Belgium
Ongoing discussions that take stock of social and societal determinants of health present an opportunity for productive dialogue on why current approaches to malaria control and elimination need to be broadened, and how this may be accomplished. They invite us, for example, to look beyond malaria as a disease, to appreciate the experiences of malaria-afflicted populations, to transcend techno-centric approaches, to investigate social conflicts around malaria, to give voice to the communities engaged in bottom-up approaches, and to revisit lessons learned in the past. The launch of this thematic series in Malaria Journal on re-imagining malaria creates a forum that has the goal to encourage transdisciplinary thinking, to stimulate discussion, to promote constructive criticism, and to gather overlooked experiences that help to reflect on implicit assumptions. Overall it aims at widening horizons in malaria control.