Editors of Parasites & Vectors take the opportunity to encourage researchers at all levels of their scientific careers (from PhD student to Professor) to write a Primer article on their favourite parasite or vector. These articles form part of a collection entitled “Primers on Parasites and Vectors” that aims to fill a gap by providing short (max 2500 words), authoritative and accessible accounts that explore the basic/applied biology of selected parasites, intermediate hosts, vectors and vector-borne pathogens.
The Primers integrate fundamental aspects of parasite or vector biology with recent, cutting-edge research findings and a discussion of future research needs. Each Primer also includes a downloadable/printable poster. The eclectic and broad commentary, when combined with the poster, enables the Primers to ‘stand out’ against more conventional mini-review articles. For an example Primer, go to: https://parasitesandvectors.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1756-3305-4-203
The Primers aim to educate and inspire individuals, both researchers and students alike, and engage scientists with the fascinating biology of parasites and vectors more widely than would be otherwise achieved. We very much hope that you like the concept of Primers on Parasites and Vectors and will consider writing an article to contribute to this valuable collection.
Primers are commissioned by the Editor-in-Chief in discussion with the Guest Editor, Professor Anthony J Walker. Preliminary enquiries by authors can be addressed to the Guest Editor on T.Walker@kingston.ac.uk.
Submit here to Parasites & Vectors.
Click here for the journal's submission guidelines and here for more information on Primers.
Guest Editor: Professor Anthony Walker
Collection published: 21 October 2011
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