Borderline Personality Disorder and Emotion Dysregulation is calling for submissions to our Collection on Parents with Personality Pathology.
Individuals with personality pathology can experience a variety of severe, chronic, and distressing symptoms. As a result, they often demonstrate significant psychosocial impairment and difficulties with daily life functioning. If an individual with a personality disorder is also a parent their symptoms may interfere with parenting and consequently may have an impact on their children. Studying the impact of personality disorder on caregiving, parenting, and the quality of relationships between caregivers and children has increased substantially in recent years, yet it remains an understudied area.
This collection is concerned with the experience of parents with personality pathology, broadly defined, and their children. We encourage the inclusion of samples of male caregivers, and studies utilizing longitudinal, qualitative, and mixed methodology. Specifically, we welcome submission of articles focusing on the following topics:
i. The parenting behaviors and experiences of individuals with personality pathology
ii. Mechanisms of intergenerational risk and resilience
iii. The development, implementation, or evaluation of parenting interventions and supports for this population.