Edited by:
Professor Emeritus Albert J. Banes, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, United States of America and North Carolina State University Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States of America, and President and CEO, Flexcell International Corporation, Burlington, North Carolina, Unites States of America
Rajashekhar Gangaraju, PhD, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center, United States of America
Submission Status: Closed
This collection is no longer accepting submissions.
Stem Cell Research & Therapy is calling for submissions to our collection on Organoids and Tissue/Organ Chips. The field of, “Organoids and tissue/organ chips”, represents groundbreaking advances in therapeutics, diagnostics, regenerative medicine and biomedical research. Organoids and spheroids are three-dimensional structures that mimic the architecture and function of specific organs or tissues in a laboratory setting. They are derived from pluripotent stem cells, iPSCs or adult tissue stem cells and are capable of self-organization and differentiation into various cell types. We invite authors to submit reviews/original articles describing the utility of pluripotent stem cells or adult tissue stem cells as functional units of Organoids and Tissue/Organ Chips.
Image credit: © Alessandra Moretti / TUM/ © AlexRaths/© JOSE LUIS CALVO MARTIN & JOSE ENRIQUE GARCIA-MAURIÑO MUZQUIZ/ © pinkeyes/ © decade3d