Edited by: Dr Melainie Cameron, Dr Simon French, Prof Charlotte Leboeuf-Yde, Prof Stephen Perle, Dr Sidney Rubinstein, Dr Bruce Walker
As the elderly population of many of the world’s countries boom we need to reflect on what implications this has for Chiropractors and other manual therapists, in particular what is best practice when treating an older population. This thematic series of Chiropractic & Manual Therapies provides an overview of current best evidence in key aspects of evaluation and management of chiropractic care for older adults. Individual articles address the magnitude of musculo-skeletal problems in the elderly population, diagnostic challenges for chiropractors and other manual therapists seeing elderly patients, the evidence for chiropractic and manual therapy in the care of the elderly and also imaging modalities for musculo-skeletal disorders in the elderly including utility, validity and cost.
Collection published in Chiropractic & Manual Therapies: 21 February 2012
Last updated: 24 September 2012