Guest Edited by Dr Stefanie Corradini & Dr Maximilian Niyazi, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.
This special series of Radiation Oncology is dedicated to the latest advancements in Magnetic Resonance (MR)-guided radiotherapy. The recent installation of several MR-linac systems throughout the world marks the beginning of a new era.
MR is a versatile and suitable imaging modality for image guidance in radiotherapy, as it enables direct soft tissue visualization of the tumor and the surrounding organs at risk. MR-guided radiotherapy can be considered a groundbreaking new technology as it is capable of creating new perspectives towards an individualized, patient-oriented planning and treatment approach. Notably, lesion visibility now enables daily online adaptation strategies and real-time imaging to characterize and eventually track anatomical motion.
In this special issue of Radiation Oncology dedicated to the latest advancements in MR-guided radiotherapy, a collection of review and research articles highlights the status of the field and discusses recent challenges, but also presents potential future directions.