Christopher Staley
The intestinal microbiota is a vital organ critical to the development, functioning, and health of the human the host. The Staley Lab at University of Minnesota research focus is to characterize how disruptions in this community affect the onset and progression of diseases and conditions e.g., obesity, colorectal cancer, and inflammatory bowel diseases. By applying microbial ecology principles and leveraging next-generation sequencing technologies, their goal is to develop targeted, microbiota-based therapies to improve patient outcomes. Chris is a Senior Board Member for BMC Microbiology.
Jacques Ravel
Jacques Ravel is a Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology and the Associate Director for Genomics at the Institute for Genome Sciences, University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD. His research program is focused on applying modern genomics technologies and ecological principles to characterize the role and dynamics of the microbial communities inhabiting the human body in health and disease and better define the interactions between the host, the microbes and the environment that drive these ecological systems.
Sean Devlin
Sean Devlin is a Assistant Professor in Biostatistics as Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre. His research interests are in the development of adaptive and nonparametric regression methods for cancer research. He was involved in developing a novel algorithm to refine and improve the discriminatory ability of an existing prognostic classifier by incorporating new genomic markers for censored survival data. His current research interests also include developing risk scores for high dimensional survival data when multiple markers may predict treatment response. Sean is a Senior Board Member for BMC Cancer.