Journal of Foot and Ankle Research is calling for submissions to our Collection on Learning and Teaching Innovations in Podiatry. Education provides the foundational basis of professional podiatry practice. Modern day workforce size, skill mix, and career progression are influenced significantly by the quality of teaching and learning at undergraduate and post graduate levels. Currently, there is a lack of international literature based on learning and teaching with the podiatry profession. At a time when the profession is being called upon to be proactive and open (Saks, 2021), education is an important area for greater exploration, understanding and application. This thematic series seeks to address the gap in literature by enhancing the evidence base supporting current education practice and innovations. Potential authors with an interest in learning and teaching research are strongly encouraged to submit their work. Manuscripts are invited to address any aspect of learning and teaching within podiatry including but not limited to:
• Placement design and capacity solutions
• Assessment of students
• Equality, diversity and inclusivity in teaching and learning
• Interprofessional learning and teaching
• The philosophy of podiatry education
• Apprenticeships and alternatives to traditional routes to registration
• Student engagement and experience
• Simulation and technology