Edited by: Maria Luisa Escobar, Manuela Villa Uribe, Roberto Lunes and Ana Lorena Ruano
The right to health and universal health coverage are inseparable goals. With a renewed commitment to Universal Health Coverage, the explicit constitutional Right to Health in much of the region and the greatest inequality among regions of the world, documenting achievements and challenges to the equitable realization of the right to health has become ever more pertinent for Latin America. A region seldom discussed in the literature, and whose achievements and challenges are rarely showcased, either at the sub-national, national or regional levels.
This special edition from International Journal for Equity in Health thus seeks to present and promote a deeper and more nuanced understanding of the path towards the realization of the right to health in Latin American countries by presenting a variety of perspectives related to equity in the realization of the right to health in the region.
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