BMC Medical Education called for submissions to our Collection on the 'Internationalization of medical education.'
Globalization impacts many aspects of society including medicine. Medical schools have an important role in preparing and educating students to work in an international environment. Therefore, medical education must keep pace and incorporate international elements and formats into medical education. The above improves professional skills such as cultural competency, communication styles, and integrated skills such as empathy, and expands awareness of diversity. This leads to diversification in the future physicians’ workforce and patient care, and eventuates in global awareness of healthcare as a common global good.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us that medical professionals must develop an understanding about the health of all people; a public good that can only be achieved when providers regard themselves as part of a global medical community. Therefore, internationalization must increasingly become an important tool for global collaboration in medicine.
In this collection, we offer a selection of articles that address diverse current internationalization of medical education theories, research and practices in different parts of the world. Formats of internationalization of medical education from diverse viewpoints of educators, administrators, and students—both with a focus on theory and experiences on internationalization in medical education—will be included.
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