BMC Pediatrics is calling for submissions to our Collection on The impact of gun violence.
Gun violence is a pressing public health issue with consequences that extend well beyond the immediate physical injuries. Pediatric healthcare professionals are on the front lines of addressing this multifaceted problem, tending to the physical and emotional wounds of young victims and striving to prevent the occurrence of further harm.
In an era marked by increasing concerns over firearm-related incidents, this collection aims to examine the complex relationship between gun violence and the health and well-being of children and adolescents. It aims to gather the latest research and insights into the myriad ways gun violence affects pediatric healthcare, with topics of interest including but not limited to:
- Trauma Care: Investigating the impact of gunshot injuries on children and adolescents, including their immediate and long-term physical and psychological consequences, and innovative approaches to trauma care.
- Mental Health: Exploring the psychological trauma, post-traumatic stress, and emotional well-being of young survivors of gun violence and strategies for providing effective mental health support.
- Health Disparities: Analysing the disproportionate impact of gun violence on vulnerable populations and underserved communities and exploring strategies to address these disparities.
- Community Resilience: Exploring community-level approaches to building resilience and healing in the aftermath of gun violence incidents involving children.
By addressing the multifaceted impact of gun violence on pediatric healthcare, this collection seeks to contribute to evidence-based strategies for preventing firearm-related injuries among children and improving the support and care available to young survivors, promoting the health and safety of children and adolescents affected by gun violence.
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