Edited by Francesco Marincola
The Journal of Translational Medicine is excited to launch the Hot topics series, which will publish a limited number of high interest review articles per year, focussing on cutting edge topics from across the breadth of the journal’s scope. Articles will cover emerging concepts and points of view or foresights, rather than focusing on comprehensive discussions of well-established areas. We encourage the participation of investigators from different groups with complementary expertise in the proposed theme.
Articles should be submitted by invitation of Editor-in-Chief, Francesco Marincola, only, and will be published in the series free of charge. If you would like to propose a review article for the Hot Topics series, please contact Dr Marincola at info@biomedcentral.com with a suggested outline.
Published articles have undergone the journal's standard peer-review process overseen by the Editor-in-Chief, who declares no competing interests.