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Honouring Wayne Getz’s Contributions to Movement Ecology

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Wayne Getz

Prof. Wayne Getz has served as a catalyst and innovator for the discipline of Movement Ecology for decades, including production of seminal works in the field and a foundational role on the editorial board of the journal Movement Ecology. His work includes innovation in methods (from home range estimation to derivation of social mechanisms from movement data) as well as novel applications in behavioral ecology and disease ecology. These contributions have greatly advanced our understanding of spatial ecology and boosted the recognition of movement ecology as a discipline in its own right. Following these decades of contributions, Wayne has recently announced his retirement from the editorial board of the journal Movement Ecology. To recognize his excellent service to the journal and field, we are organising a Special Feature in dedication to his contributions. Interested contributors should contact guest editors Sadie Ryan ( or George Wittemyer ( by 1st November 2022 and all contributions should be submitted before 31st December 2022. In your letter to the editors, please clarify how your proposed submission stems from the contributions of Prof. Wayne M. Getz to the field of Movement Ecology.

Lead Editors: Dr. Sadie Ryan and Dr George Wittemyer

Deadline: 31st December 2022

  1. Understanding drivers of space use by African elephants is critical to their conservation and management, particularly given their large home-ranges, extensive resource requirements, ecological role as ecosyst...

    Authors: Jake Wall, Nathan Hahn, Sarah Carroll, Stephen Mwiu, Marc Goss, Wilson Sairowua, Kate Tiedeman, Sospeter Kiambi, Patrick Omondi, Iain Douglas-Hamilton and George Wittemyer
    Citation: Movement Ecology 2024 12:11
  2. The distribution of resources can affect animal range sizes, which in turn may alter infectious disease dynamics in heterogenous environments. The risk of pathogen exposure or the spatial extent of outbreaks m...

    Authors: Yen-Hua Huang, Norman Owen-Smith, Michelle D. Henley, J. Werner Kilian, Pauline L. Kamath, Sunday O. Ochai, Henriette van Heerden, John K. E. Mfune, Wayne M. Getz and Wendy C. Turner
    Citation: Movement Ecology 2023 11:46
  3. Movement is central to understanding the ecology of animals. The most robustly definable segments of an individual’s lifetime track are its diel activity routines (DARs). This robustness is due to fixed start ...

    Authors: Ludovica Luisa Vissat, Shlomo Cain, Sivan Toledo, Orr Spiegel and Wayne M. Getz
    Citation: Movement Ecology 2023 11:15
  4. There is growing attention to individuality in movement, its causes and consequences. Similarly to other well-established personality traits (e.g., boldness or sociability), conspecifics also differ repeatedly...

    Authors: Shlomo Cain, Tovale Solomon, Yossi Leshem, Sivan Toledo, Eitam Arnon, Alexandre Roulin and Orr Spiegel
    Citation: Movement Ecology 2023 11:10
  5. Migration is one of the most physical and energetically demanding periods in an individual bird’s life. The composition of the bird’s gut or cloacal microbiota can temporarily change during migration, likely d...

    Authors: Nikki Thie, Ammon Corl, Sondra Turjeman, Ron Efrat, Pauline L. Kamath, Wayne M. Getz, Rauri C. K. Bowie and Ran Nathan
    Citation: Movement Ecology 2022 10:46
  6. Dispersal is a fundamental process to animal population dynamics and gene flow. In white-tailed deer (WTD; Odocoileus virginianus), dispersal also presents an increasingly relevant risk for the spread of infectio...

    Authors: Marie L. J. Gilbertson, Alison C. Ketz, Matthew Hunsaker, Dana Jarosinski, Wesley Ellarson, Daniel P. Walsh, Daniel J. Storm and Wendy C. Turner
    Citation: Movement Ecology 2022 10:43
  7. Movement behavior is an important contributor to habitat selection and its incorporation in disease risk models has been somewhat neglected. The habitat preferences of host individuals affect their probability...

    Authors: Eric R. Dougherty, Dana P. Seidel, Jason K. Blackburn, Wendy C. Turner and Wayne M. Getz
    Citation: Movement Ecology 2022 10:31

    The Correction to this article has been published in Movement Ecology 2022 10:36

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