In the past, viral hepatitis was a hidden epidemic with little hope for a treatment or cure. Today, that is no longer the case and 2016 was the turning point. We are in the first year of the first-ever Global health sector strategy on viral hepatitis. This, in addition to the advent of highly-effective all-oral direct acting antivirals to cure hepatitis C, means there is an unprecedented global level of attention being given to viral hepatitis. The series focuses on research and review submissions as well as patient and civil society perspectives on hepatitis elimination.
In this cross-journal series, Hepatology, Medicine and Policy, BMC Medicine, BMC Infectious Disease, and BMC Public Health examine how far efforts towards viral hepatitis elimination have come and what remains to be done. This rolling series includes research from around the world. Selected research articles will be included on viral hepatitis elimination strategy, health systems and policy, intervention, implementation research, economics, epidemiology, ethics sand human rights, social mediators of health outcomes, basic and clinical science, health services, and more. Invited reviews, roundtables and commentaries will also be part of the series.
For pre-submission enquiries, please contact the journal you wish to submit to.