The domestication of animals has been a pivotal aspect of human history, shaping the development of agriculture and the establishment of human societies. The study of genomics in the context of domestication provides insights into the genetic changes that have occurred in domestic species as a result of their interactions with humans. This includes understanding the genetic basis of domestication traits, the evolutionary relationships between domestic animals and their wild ancestors, and the molecular mechanisms underlying the process of domestication.
Advancing our collective understanding in the genomics of domestication is crucial for unraveling the genetic underpinnings of key domestication traits, such as docility, sociability, coat color, and milk production. Recent advances in this area have elucidated the genetic changes associated with the transition from wild to domesticated forms, shedding light on the selection pressures and adaptive changes that have occurred during domestication. Furthermore, genomic studies have provided insights into the complex interplay between human and animal genomes, offering a deeper understanding of the co-evolutionary dynamics between humans and domestic species.
Looking ahead, continued research in the genomics of domestication holds the potential for uncovering novel genetic variants associated with domestication traits, as well as identifying the genetic basis of complex behavioral and physiological adaptations in domestic animals. Furthermore, ongoing research efforts may lead to a better understanding of the genetic diversity within domestic species and its implications for their conservation and sustainable management.
We invite contributions across a spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:
- Genomic basis of domestication traits
- Evolutionary relationships between domestic and wild animals
- Molecular mechanisms of domestication
- Human-animal co-evolution
- Domestication and genetic diversity
- Genomic adaptations in response to domestication
- Comparative genomics of domesticated species
- Genomic diversity and conservation of domesticated animals
- Epigenetic regulation in domestication
- Genomic insights into behavioral changes in domesticated animals
This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 15: Life on Land.
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