This is an article collection published in Sustainable Earth Reviews.
Future farming systems must achieve ecological, social, economic and spiritual regeneration. Regenerative agriculture aims to restore landscape function through management practices that minimise or eliminate the use of synthetic fertiliser and pesticides; achieve sustainable production; mitigate and adapt to climate change; improve the natural resource base and how we account for it; achieve effective nutrient cycling; improve water availability; improve soil health; increase biodiversity; and achieve an appropriate balance between productivity and profitability. Social and spiritual regeneration may also be addressed explicitly. New business models are being created. Furthermore, much of the innovation underpinning regenerative agriculture is being undertaken by grassroots landholders, practiced by First Nations people or inspired by their knowledge, and supported by professional researchers, in a complex “research ecology” with attendant challenges and opportunities. Papers are invited on any aspect of regenerative agriculture, including the concept itself, technology, science, management practices, economics, supportive policy approaches, agronomics, behaviour change, ethics, and knowledge creation and learning.
Guest Editor:
Margaret Gollagher, Curtin University Sustainability Policy Institute, School of Design and the Built Environment ,Australia
Submission Instructions
Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure that you have carefully read the submission guidelines for Sustainable Earth Reviews.
Your complete manuscript should be submitted through the Sustainable Earth Reviews submission system. To ensure that you submit to the correct thematic series please select the appropriate thematic series in the drop-down menu upon submission. In addition, indicate within your cover letter that you wish your manuscript to be considered as part of the article collection on Future Farming and Regenerative Agriculture. All submissions will undergo rigorous peer review and accepted articles will be published within the journal as a collection.
Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies, including those pertaining to Collections. Articles will be added to the Collection as they are published.