One of the key tasks of ecology is to understand the use of space and time by animals. Recent advances in the development of automatic telemetry systems have allowed huge progress in the understanding of fish movement ecology, and biotelemetry is increasingly used in freshwater realm to study fish ecology, distribution and behaviour, providing unprecedented data with a very high spatiotemporal resolution. The special feature will feature studies addressing a range of research questions related to the movement ecology of freshwater fish, including studies of fish movement strategies, special behavioural patterns, social and interspecific interactions, species habitat preferences, niche overlap, migration patterns, temporal changes and site specificity.
Interested contributors should contact guest editor Ivan Jarić via by 1st November 2022 and all contributions should be submitted before 31st December 2022.
Topics of interest: Acoustic telemetry; Telemetry; Sensor; Biologging; Movement ecology; Fish ecology; Fish movement; Habitat use; Freshwater ecology; Lake; River; Lacustrine; Predators; Migration; Hydropower; Fish behaviour; Seasonal changes; Fish spawning.
Deadline: 31 December 2022
Guest Editors: Ivan Jarić, Robert J. Lennox and Marie Prchalová