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Freshwater Fisheries Management: A collection of CEE Evidence Syntheses

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This collection in Environmental Evidence features evidence syntheses, conducted to CEE standards, covering the complex interplay between freshwater fisheries management and marine environments.

All manuscripts published in this collection met the journal’s standard editorial criteria for assessment, relevance, and peer review, and underwent the journal’s standard peer review process. They were handled by the journal Editors and Editor-in-Chief. 

  1. Altering the natural flow regime, an essential component of healthy fluvial systems, through hydropower operations has the potential to negatively impact freshwater fish populations. Establishing improved mana...

    Authors: Meagan Harper, Trina Rytwinski, Jessica J. Taylor, Joseph R. Bennett, Karen E. Smokorowski, Julian D. Olden, Keith D. Clarke, Tom Pratt, Neil Fisher, Alf Leake and Steven J. Cooke
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2022 11:3
  2. There is growing evidence of the potential negative consequences of altered flow regimes, in terms of magnitude, frequency, timing, duration or season pattern, on fluvial ecosystems and the fisheries they supp...

    Authors: Trina Rytwinski, Meagan Harper, Jessica J. Taylor, Joseph R. Bennett, Lisa A. Donaldson, Karen E. Smokorowski, Keith Clarke, Michael J. Bradford, Haitham Ghamry, Julian D. Olden, Daniel Boisclair and Steven J. Cooke
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2020 9:7

    The Systematic Map Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2017 6:13

  3. Fish injury and mortality resulting from entrainment and/or impingement during downstream passage over/through hydropower infrastructure has the potential to cause negative effects on fish populations. The pri...

    Authors: Dirk A. Algera, Trina Rytwinski, Jessica J. Taylor, Joseph R. Bennett, Karen E. Smokorowski, Philip M. Harrison, Keith D. Clarke, Eva C. Enders, Michael Power, Mark S. Bevelhimer and Steven J. Cooke
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2020 9:3

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2017 6:8

  4. Habitat is the foundation for healthy and productive fisheries. For fish that require substrate for spawning, lack of appropriate spawning substrate is inherently limiting and a lack of access to suitable spaw...

    Authors: Jessica J. Taylor, Trina Rytwinski, Joseph R. Bennett, Karen E. Smokorowski, Nicolas W. R. Lapointe, Richard Janusz, Keith Clarke, Bill Tonn, Jessica C. Walsh and Steven J. Cooke
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2019 8:19

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2017 6:5

  5. Property rights to natural resources comprise a major policy instrument in efforts to advance sustainable resource use and conservation. Debate over the relative effectiveness of different property rights regi...

    Authors: Maria Ojanen, Wen Zhou, Daniel C. Miller, Sue Helen Nieto, Baruani Mshale and Gillian Petrokofsky
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2017 6:12

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2014 3:19

  6. Women often use natural resources differently than men yet frequently have minimal influence on how local resources are managed. An emerging hypothesis is that empowering more women in local resource decision-...

    Authors: Craig Leisher, Gheda Temsah, Francesca Booker, Michael Day, Leah Samberg, Debra Prosnitz, Bina Agarwal, Elizabeth Matthews, Dilys Roe, Diane Russell, Terry Sunderland and David Wilkie
    Citation: Environmental Evidence 2016 5:6

    The Systematic Review Protocol to this article has been published in Environmental Evidence 2015 4:13