Guest editor: Prof Timothy Caulfield
This cross-journal series of articles investigates how evidence is used in a variety of health and science policy domains, specifically considering the ways in which it is has been used (or misused) and represented (or misrepresented) in relevant laws, policies and regulations, in addition to the numerous challenges and barriers to its use in policy development.
Articles published in this series were invited from delegates at the meeting "Using and Abusing Evidence in Science and Health Policy" held in Banff, Alberta on May 30th-June 1st, 2012.
The conference organizers would like to thank the following companies who supported the meeting and part-funded some publication charges: Alberta Innovates - Health Solutions, the Alberta Cancer Foundation, the Allergy Genes and Environment Network (AllerGen), the Archon Genomics X-Prize presented by Express Scripts, the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation - Prairies, NWT Region, the Cancer Stem Cell Consortium, Genome Alberta, the Interagency Advisory Panel on Research Ethics, the Stem Cell Network, the University of Alberta's Faculty of Law, and the University of Alberta's Killam Fund.
All articles have been independently prepared by the authors and have been subject to the standard peer review processes of the journals.