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Emerging Systems

Guest Edited by Michalis Averof and Chiara Sinigaglia

Many exciting, unresolved questions in biology lie outside the reach of classic model organisms. The Emerging Systems series presents established but lesser known experimental organisms that broaden the scope of biological research. These articles highlight the importance of developing new experimental approaches to explore diverse questions, the challenges in doing this, and the appeal of exploiting the unique features of each species.

Introduction to emerging systems
Michalis Averof & Chiara Sinigaglia
EvoDevo 2020 11:8 | Editorial | Published on: 16 April 2020

East African cichlid fishes
M. Emília Santos, João F. Lopes and Claudius F. Kratochwil
EvoDevo 2023 14:1 | Review | Published on: 5 January 2023

Daphnia as a versatile model system in ecology and evolution
Dieter Ebert
EvoDevo 2022 13:16 | Review | Published on: 8 August 2022

The red flour beetle T. castaneum: elaborate genetic toolkit and unbiased large scale RNAi screening to study insect biology and evolution
Martin Klingler & Gregor Bucher
EvoDevo 2022 13:14 | Review | Published on: 19 July 2022

The Nereid on the rise: Platynereis as a model system
B. Duygu Özpolat et al.
EvoDevo 2021 12:10 | Review | Published on: 27 September 2021

Nothobranchius annual killifishes
Eva Terzibasi Tozzini & Alessandro Cellerino
EvoDevo 2020 11:25 | Review | Published on: 15 December 2020

The pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis
Reiko Kuroda & Masanori Abe
EvoDevo 2020 11:24 | Review | Published on: 4 December 2020

Anemonefish, a model for Eco-Evo-Devo
Natacha Roux et al.
EvoDevo 2020 11:20 | Review | Published on: 7 October 2020

Ectocarpus: an evo-devo model for the brown algae
Susana M. Coelho et al.
EvoDevo 2020 11:19 | Review | Published on: 31 August 2020

Astyanax surface and cave fish morphs
William R. Jeffery
EvoDevo 2020 11:14 | Review | Published on: 11 July 2020

Volvox and volvocine green algae
James G. Umen
EvoDevo 2020 11:13 | Review | Published on: 1 July 2020

The colonial cnidarian Hydractinia
Uri Frank, Matthew L. Nicotra and Christine E. Schnitzler
EvoDevo 2020 11:7 | Review | Published on: 26 March 2020

The common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum
Hiroki Oda & Yasuko Akiyama-Oda
EvoDevo 2020 11:6 | Review | Published on: 20 March 2020

The free-living flatworm Macrostomum lignano
Jakub Wudarski et al.
EvoDevo 2020 11:5 | Review | Published on: 2 March 2020