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Educational Integrity in Canada

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Edited by Sarah E. Eaton and Tracey Bretag

Canada lags behind other OECD nations in terms of research, particularly in the area of educational integrity (Eaton & Edino, 2018). Education in similar nations such as the UK, Australia and New Zealand is federally regulated whereas in Canada it is a provincial matter. Unlike TEQSA (Australia) or the QAA (UK), the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, provides leadership to provincial ministers of education, but has no national regulatory authority. This decentralized approach to education requires a more a rigorous and research-informed foundation to help scholars, educators and policy makers understand how to develop evidence-informed approaches to classroom practices, administrative procedures, and institutional policies.

  1. This paper explores contract cheating from the perspectives of researchers at three post-secondary institutions in Alberta, Canada, describing their efforts to develop and advance awareness of, interventions a...

    Authors: Sarah Elaine Eaton, Nancy Chibry, Margaret A. Toye and Silvia Rossi
    Citation: International Journal for Educational Integrity 2019 15:9
  2. Academic integrity has become a significant point of concern in the post-secondary landscape, and many institutions are now exploring ways on how to implement academic integrity training for students. This pap...

    Authors: Lyle Benson, Kristin Rodier, Rickard Enström and Evandro Bocatto
    Citation: International Journal for Educational Integrity 2019 15:5
  3. In this study, we analyzed the academic integrity policies of colleges in Ontario, Canada, casting a specific lens on contract cheating. We extracted data from 28 individual documents from 22-publicly-funded c...

    Authors: Brenda M. Stoesz, Sarah Elaine Eaton, Jennifer Miron and Emma J. Thacker
    Citation: International Journal for Educational Integrity 2019 15:4