Guest Editors:
Andrew D. Boyd: University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Pierangelo Veltri: Department of Computer Engineering, Modelling, Electronic and Systems Engineering, University of Calabria (Rende), Italy
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making was calling for submissions to our Collection on "Data sources and registries in healthcare". This collection welcomed articles describing the development or the novel application of health-related data sources and data banks, federated database systems and other data sharing initiatives, clinical registries including disease and patient registries, electronic health record systems, claims data and health administrative data. The description of data infrastructure, its application to specific settings, or novel developments to solve challenges such as medical data integration, ethical case production and generation, or synthetic data production will be considered. The focus was't on the regulatory aspect, but the collection considered studies presenting technical solutions to address ethical data sharing and comply with the FAIR data principles.
Development of brain tumor radiogenomic classification using GAN-based augmentation of MRI slices in the newly released gazi brains dataset
Significant progress has been made recently with the contribution of technological advances in studies on brain cancer. Regarding this, identifying and correctly classifying tumors is a crucial task in the fie...