This series aimed to promote best practice in data sharing and publication through data standardization. This collection brought together articles describing domain-specific data standards and how to implement them, providing or linking to a reference data set prepared and formatted to serve as an example. BMC Research Notes is collaborating with BioSharing to develop a comprehensive catalogue of domain-specific data standards across biology and medicine, which will include a number of the exemplary data notes in this article collection. The series also encompassed articles on broader aspects of scientific data sharing, archiving, and open data. This series aimed to encourage sharing and publication of data in re-usable and harvestable formats by increasing awareness of existing and emerging data standards and best practices. Contributions to the series were welcomed from all fields of biology and medicine, and you can contact the BMC Research Notes editorial team and read our call for contributions for more information.
Dr Craig Hooker, Dr Heather Piwowar, Dr David Shotton