Edited by: Dr Lars Hemkens
Trials invites you to submit to our new thematic series, ‘Big data for randomized trials’.
The Editors will consider articles that report on what is currently known about using big data or routinely collected data (such as electronic health records, registries or administrative databases) for randomized trials, the promises and limitations of using such data sources for trials and how we could make best use of them to improve clinical trial research for better patient care.
We encourage articles on any topic relevant to big data for conducting randomized trials on any level of health care. This includes articles describing the current knowledge about how using this data may make trials more feasible or would allow exploring research questions otherwise not possible to be explored , or which novel designs would be possible. Topics related to ethical implications, costs, or methodological aspects are very welcome. We are highly interested in empirical research on research studies. Commentaries and opinion pieces are welcome, especially those looking explicitly to practical challenges and offering solutions. All articles should make clear the relevance of using big data for randomized trials and current research gaps, and they should describe how the results or opinions in the article can be used to improve trial design and conduct in the future.
Manuscripts should be formatted according to our submission guidelines and submitted via the online submission system. In the submission system please make sure the correct collection title is chosen from the additional information tab. Please also indicate clearly in the covering letter that the manuscript is to be considered in the ‘Big data for randomized trials’ series.
For further information, please use the contact us email on the journal website.