Guest Editors
Nao Hagiwara, PhD, University of Virginia, USA
Lon Jeffrey Van Winkle, PhD, Rocky Vista University, USA
Submission Status: Open | Submission Deadline: 11 June 2025
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making is calling for submissions to our Collection on Bias detection and mitigation in medical informatics.
Health and care disparities, such as those on racial, ethnic, gender, or any other social basis, have long existed, hence are structurally embedded in health data and decision-making processes, undermining the reliability of prediction models built on those data. This Collection aims to gather research that explores the development of computational methods and tools for detecting and mitigating biases in medical informatics, as well as strategies for promoting inclusive and equitable healthcare practices. Researchers are invited to submit their work on topics including but not limited to bias detection frameworks, metrics to evaluate bias, and mitigation strategies.