Edited by: Filipe Dantas-Torres, MV, MSc, DSc, PhD, FRES, EBVS Veterinary Specialist in Parasitology, Oswaldo Cruz, Brazil
Submission status: Open
Submission deadline: 30 December 2024
As discussed in this editorial by the Chief Editor of Parasites and Vectors, Filipe Dantas-Torres, this collection is dedicated to articles reporting the use of AI in parasitology research. We particularly welcome articles dealing with parasitic disease diagnosis, parasite and vector identification as well as those reporting the prospection of drugs and vaccine candidates.
This collection will serve as a platform for authors to publish their research that employs AI and deep learning methods for solving research questions in the fields of parasitology and tropical medicine. We particularly welcome articles dealing with parasitic disease diagnosis, parasite and vector identification as well as those reporting the prospection of drugs and vaccine candidates.