We have launched this article Collection in response to the recognized harms of structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels of stigma and need for more ideas and evidence in this important area.
We encourage papers that enhance understanding of stigma in relation to eating disorders, weight, or body image, with strong interest in studies that include diverse samples, examine intersecting forms of stigma, or analyze stigma at multiple levels. We also invite papers that contribute new knowledge of how stigma affects health and well-being, and that move toward developing and implementing innovative interventions to prevent and reduce stigma for people with eating disorders and body image concerns.
Further invited areas include: intervention comparisons of single-level versus multi-level stigma-reducing interventions, identification of mechanisms of change of effective stigma reduction interventions, psychometric studies identifying reliable and valid measures of outcomes and change processes of stigma reduction programs, delineation of theoretical frameworks for topic-specific and/or general approaches to understand and reduce stigma, and implementation studies of evidence-based stigma reduction interventions.