Edited by:
Hailiang Tang, MD, Fudan University, China
Francisco Silva, BS, BioRestorative Therapies, United States
Submission Status: Open | Submission Deadline: 25 June 2025
Journal of Translational Medicine is calling for submissions to our Collection on Regeneration and Remodeling after Brain Injury: Implications for Stem Cell Therapy.
The collection welcomes all original and review articles on topics such as:
• Stem cell therapy for brain repair after brain injury/damage, including brain trauma or stroke;
• Underlying mechanisms upon stem cell replacement for brain injury, including cellular/tissue regeneration/remodeling, oxidative stress, inflammatory response and autophagy;
• Immune-response problems following stem cell therapy for brain injury;
• Mitochondrial role after stem cell therapy for brain injury;
• Detection of stem cell therapy for brain injury using imaging techniques, i.e. brain magnetic resonance;
• Application of new tools, techniques, or models for studying stem cell viability or survival after implantation, such as organoids.
Image credit: © denisismagilov / Stock.adobe.com
This Collection supports and amplifies research related to SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being.