Guest edited by Xiao-Nong Zhou, Ning Feng, Jeffrey K. Edwards and John Reeder
A thematic series in Infectious Diseases of Poverty.
Over the past decades, the infectious disease profile in China has been shifting with the rapid pace of social and economic development. Five notifiable infectious diseases have been almost eradicated, and the incidence of 18 additional notifiable infectious diseases has been significantly reduced. Unexpectedly, the incidence of over ten notifiable infectious diseases, including HIV, brucellosis, syphilis, and dengue fever, has been increasing. Nevertheless, frequent infectious disease outbreaks/events have been reported almost every year, and imported infectious diseases have increased since 2015. New pathogens and over 100 new genotypes or serotypes of known pathogens have been identified.
Structured Operational Research Training Initiative (SORT IT) guided by WHO/TDR aims to teach the practical skills for conducting and publishing Operational Research and how to influence policy, thus to improve health system through research. The 1st Cycle of SORT IT in China hosted by Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention aims to enhance the capacity on OR in health and supporting capacity to the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) related developing countries on Operational Research in health of China. This thematic series focuses on the prevention and control of malaria, HIV/AIDS, HBV, schistosomiasis, tuberculosis, Japanese encephalitis, surveillance about emerging infectious diseases, etc.