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Lessons Learned in conducting complex evaluations in low- and middle-income settings

Research on the design and methodology of large, complex trials have historically focused on the epidemiological theory behind the most robust means to answer a specific question(s). However, practical methods that are required to ensure that good quality data is collected are often underrepresented in teaching and in the literature - yet are nonetheless key to accurate and reliable results.

In this set of papers, we share practical lessons learned from conducting large scale surveillance and evaluation operations over a long-term collaboration between the award-winning Ghana Health Service Kintampo Health Research Centre, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in programmes to improve maternal, neonatal and child health (MNCH).

This series was organised and guest edited by Dr Seyi Soremekun and Professor Betty Kirkwood (both of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK). All submissions are subject to standard editorial policies and undergo the journal's normal peer-review process. Submissions authored by the Guest Editors are handled by the Editor-in-Chief.

  1. Low and middle-income countries continue to use Verbal autopsies (VAs) as a World Health Organisation-recommended method to ascertain causes of death in settings where coverage of vital registration systems is...

    Authors: Samuel O. Danso, Alexander Manu, Justin Fenty, Seeba Amanga-Etego, Bilal Iqbal Avan, Sam Newton, Seyi Soremekun and Betty Kirkwood
    Citation: Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 2023 20:1
  2. Conducting qualitative research within public health trials requires balancing timely data collection with the need to maintain data quality. Verbatim transcription of interviews is the conventional way of rec...

    Authors: Zelee Hill, Charlotte Tawiah-Agyemang, Betty Kirkwood and Carl Kendall
    Citation: Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 2022 19:5
  3. Globally adopted health and development milestones have not only encouraged improvements in the health and wellbeing of women and infants worldwide, but also a better understanding of the epidemiology of key o...

    Authors: Caitlin Shannon, Chris Hurt, Seyi Soremekun, Karen Edmond, Sam Newton, Seeba Amenga-Etego, Charlotte Tawiah-Agyemang, Zelee Hill, Alexander Manu, Ben Weobong, Betty Kirkwood and Lisa Hurt
    Citation: Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 2022 19:1
  4. Successful implementation of community-based research is dominantly influenced by participation and engagement from the local community without which community members will not want to participate in research ...

    Authors: Sam Newton, Guus Ten Asbroek, Zelee Hill, Charlotte Tawiah Agyemang, Seyi Soremekun, Seeba Amenga Etego and Betty Kirkwood
    Citation: Emerging Themes in Epidemiology 2021 18:19