Guest edited by:
Professor Christine Meisinger, MPH, University of Augsburg, Germany
Professor Jakob Linseisen, Dr.oec., University of Augsburg, Germany
Lipids in Health and Disease invites you to contribute a manuscript to our new thematic series, "Lipids in Inflammatory Diseases".
Lipids play an essential role in physiological and pathophysiological processes. They act as messengers in inflammation and are critical in processes such as cell migration, apoptosis, autophagy, and cell division. They also contribute to resolving inflammatory reactions.
It has been argued that lipid metabolism and immune system responses regulate each other. Chronic inflammation plays a central role in a range of the most challenging diseases of our time, including heart disease, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, asthma, Alzheimer's disease, sepsis, and acute and chronic infections. The extent to which lipids and lipid metabolism are important in chronic and acute inflammatory diseases with regard to pathogenesis, diagnosis, course, therapy, occurrence of complications, subsequent diseases, and prognosis is increasingly the subject of intensive research.
The aim of this special issue is therefore to collect research papers to generate new insights into the role of lipids in the context of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. We welcome articles, including original research, systematic reviews and meta-analyses on this relevant topic.
Keywords: lipids, lipoproteins, LDL, HDL, lipoprotein(a), triglycerides, lipotoxicity, inflammation, inflammatory disease, therapy
This collection is no longer accepting submissions.
Submission guidelines can be found here. Articles should be submitted via our submission system, Snapp.
Articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process and are subject to all of the journal’s standard policies.
The topics of interest include but are not limited to:
• Involvement of lipids in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases
• Mechanisms and molecular pathways affecting lipid and lipoprotein metabolism in inflammatory diseases
• Deeper understanding of the crosstalk between lipids and the immune system and its contribution to a balanced immune reaction
• Impact of lipids on disease progression of inflammatory disorders
• Effect of currently used drugs and other therapies in inflammatory diseases on lipids and lipid metabolism
• Therapeutic targets and effective treatment options for dyslipidemias in acute and chronic inflammatory diseases
• Identification of diagnostic and prognostic lipid markers in inflammatory diseases
• Changes in lipids, lipid metabolism, inflammation and associated stress responses during inflammatory diseases
Questions to be answered:
• How exactly are lipids involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory diseases?
• How is lipid metabolism altered during an inflammatory disease, and how might it affect immune responses?
• Might a deeper understanding of the crosstalk between lipids and inflammation lead to the identification of targeted anti-inflammatory therapies?
• Are there new lipid mediators with anti-inflammatory effects that could represent new promising therapeutic tools?