Guest edited by Zhong-Dao Wu, Robert Bergquist and Xiao-Nong Zhou
An article collection in Infectious Diseases of Poverty.
The 3rd International Congress of Biological Invasions (ICBI) in Hangzhou in 2017 presents more than 620 invasion species in China causing damage estimated at more than RMB 200 billion annually, and put forward the countries in the Belt and Road Initiative building capacity to manage biological invasions and removing barriers to accelerating regional and international trade. Early alarming system for the invasive species become more and more important to the biosafety issue with increasing level of migration people as well as animal or plant trade. The National Key R&D program aims to establish the early warning system for predicting the distribution and spreading patterns of invasive species as well as taking proper responses after investigating and modeling the biological characteristics, dynamic distribution, and construction of resource library for invasive vectors and pathogens of the important tropical diseases.
To prompt more research activities in the field of invasive species for tropical diseases transmission, the special issue on “Early warning of invasive species for tropical diseases transmission” as a thematic series is published in Infectious Diseases of Poverty as outcomes of the programme carried out and cooperated by 20 Chinese institutions during last 3 years.