BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making is calling for submissions to our Collection on Computational tools for infection control.
The collection aims to focus on the convergence of two crucial issues in healthcare: the use and integration of computational tools such as artificial intelligence into the healthcare sector and the long-standing and now-growing issue of infection control, both at the population and individual levels, including disease outbreak detection and antimicrobial resistance.
The most recent years have revealed the potential of promising computational tools for addressing infection control, stemming from specific technical features of a subset of algorithms that could find powerful applications. Tailored machine learning models can analyze extensive microbiological and clinical datasets to identify patterns indicative of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) or to enhance personalized antibiotic treatments, thus mitigating the prevalence of AMR. Furthermore, multiple machine learning models have been developed to expedite the detection of disease outbreaks. The wide range of promising automated technologies goes beyond AI, including monitoring sensors, tracking systems, and rapid diagnostic devices that could significantly contribute to infection prevention, management, and control.
These tools entail several global constraints and challenges, such as the availability of financial and technological resources, the need to standardize protocols and procedures to ensure interoperability of systems and ensuring the security of health data in an international context. In addition, there are ethical and regulatory issues that need to be addressed, such as patient privacy and accountability in the use of advanced technologies in healthcare.
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