Edited by:
Koya Ariyoshi, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University
Chris Smith, School of Tropical Medicine and Global Health, Nagasaki University
Robin Bailey, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Chris Parry, Liverpool School of Topical Medicine
Tackling the management of febrile and non-febrile patients who cross country borders, is becoming a bigger and bigger challenge for physicians working in both high and low-middle income countries. Sharing clinical experiences, knowledge and skills is always interesting and helpful to clinicians working in different settings.
In this special issue of Tropical Medicine and Health, we call for case reports of infectious and non-infectious tropical diseases in returning travelers and people living in the disease endemic area. We ask that you first describe a short or long case presentation, secondly raise clinical questions, and then summarise the report with a discussion and take home message. We ask that your whole report is within 1200 words. This special issue welcomes case reports of common and less common infectious and non-infectious tropical diseases. We ask that convey information that helps lead to the diagnosis, including relevant pictures, and with clinical pearls that will help tropical medicine physicians in their daily practice. We also accept manuscript that are secondary publication of a case reports, already published in a local language.