Edited by Takeshi Yamamoto, MD, PhD, Nippon Medical School Hospital, Japan (Associate Editor)
This Thematic Series is published in the Journal of Intensive Care.
The mortality rate of cardiogenic shock remains high, ranging from 30% to 40%, although it decreases with the establishment of reperfusion therapy for acute myocardial infarction, which is the main cause of cardiogenic shock. This thematic series aims to update the knowledge that is particularly important in the intensive care management of cardiogenic shock to further improve the prognosis of patients with cardiogenic shock. Shirakabe et al. summarize the current data on organ dysfunction, injury, and failure in cardiogenic shock. Recently, research interest has shifted from cardiac output to venous stasis, which is the most important hemodynamic determinant. Kirigaya et al. discuss the challenges of preventing the development of complications associated with cardiogenic shock and provide a comprehensive practical approach for its management. Nakata et al. report that the treatment of cardiogenic shock with temporary mechanical circulatory support devices not only saves patients' lives but also allows for cardiac recovery. They describe the importance of a multidisciplinary shock protocol for the management of heart failure. This special thematic issue is certain to provide readers with an understanding of the state-of-the-art in critical care.