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Edited by Dr Steven Opal

This series of articles in Critical Care has not been sponsored. All articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer review process overseen by the Series Editor, with final decisions made by the Editor in Chief. The Series Editor and Editor in Chief declare no competing interests.

  1. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) displays a remarkable array of resistance and virulence factors, which have contributed to its prominent role in infections of the critically ill. We are beginni...

    Authors: Lee P Skrupky, Scott T Micek and Marin H Kollef
    Citation: Critical Care 2009 13:222
  2. Viral infections are common causes of respiratory tract disease in the outpatient setting but much less common in the intensive care unit. However, a finite number of viral agents cause respiratory tract disea...

    Authors: Nicholas Stollenwerk, Richart W Harper and Christian E Sandrock
    Citation: Critical Care 2008 12:219
  3. In recent years, the incidence and severity of Clostridium difficile-associated disease (CDAD) have increased dramatically. Beginning in 2000, widespread regional outbreaks associated with a previously uncommon h...

    Authors: Carolyn V Gould and L Clifford McDonald
    Citation: Critical Care 2008 12:203