Trials is inviting submission of manuscripts, long and short, including original research and education articles for best practice in the collection, analysis and reporting of adverse events in randomised controlled trials.
The design and analysis of randomised controlled trials has progressed considerably in the last decade. Assessing the harm of an intervention alongside its benefit is essential to enable practitioners and patients to make informed decisions for which intervention to use. While some progress has been made regarding assessing intervention harm, there is little evidence for any progress in implementing these approaches. These issues are typically less mature for the complex interventions. Though standard practice for analysis and reporting of adverse events remains rudimentary across all drug, device and complex intervention trials.
The aim of this special collection is to bring together best practice for collecting, analysing and presenting this complex adverse event data in reports of randomised controlled trials. We welcome articles that describe the specialised issues for harm outcome and ideally demonstrate through example how they can improve practice.