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The genetics and neuroscience of flavour

Edited by Richard Newcomb and Kathrin Ohla.

Flavour is publishing a collection of articles on how the fields of genetics and neuroscience are beginning to impact on our understanding of flavour experience, how it is produced and what underpins individual differences.

This collection of articles has not been sponsored and articles have undergone the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Guest Editors declare no competing interests.

  1. The leaves of the Coriandrum sativum plant, known as cilantro or coriander, are widely used in many cuisines around the world. However, far from being a benign culinary herb, cilantro can be polarizing—many peopl...

    Authors: Nicholas Eriksson, Shirley Wu, Chuong B Do, Amy K Kiefer, Joyce Y Tung, Joanna L Mountain, David A Hinds and Uta Francke
    Citation: Flavour 2012 1:22
  2. The combined senses of taste, smell and the common chemical sense merge to form what we call ‘flavor.’ People show marked differences in their ability to detect many flavors, and in this paper, we review the r...

    Authors: Richard D Newcomb, Mary B Xia and Danielle R Reed
    Citation: Flavour 2012 1:9